Sunday, March 20, 2011

4-5 1b premature baby hat.

50g baby knitting yarn, (4 ply baby yarn)
4mm needles (UK 8), (US 6)

19 sts 27 rows to 10 cm (10cmx10cm) on 4 mm (US 6)

k=Knit; p=purl; st(s)=stitch(es); patt=pattern; rep=repeat; inc=increase; dec=decrease;
beg=beginning; tog=together; alt=alternate; g st=garter stitch; st st=stocking stitch;
yfwd=yarn forward; sl= slip; psso= pass slipped st over

Ear flaps (make 2)
Using 4mm needles cast on 5 sts, st st 2 rows
1st row: knit inc 1 st at each end of this row
2nd row: purl
Rep the last 2 rows 3 more times, (13 sts), st st 4 rows, break of yarn leave rem sts on
a spare needle
Cast on 11 sts knit across 13 sts of first ear flap cast on 28 sts knit across 13 sts of
second flap, cast on 11 sts,( 76 sts).
Next row: knit
Commence patt
Row 1: K3,k2tog,yfwd,*k1,yfwd,sl 1,k1,psso,k3,k2tog,yfwd* to last 7 sts, k1, yfwd,sl 1,k1,psso,k4
2nd row and alt rows: purl
Row 3: k2,k2tog,k1,yfwd,*k1,yfwd,k1,sl 1,k1,psso,k1,k2tog,k1,yfwd*to last 7 sts,k1,yfwd,k1,sl 1,k1,psso,k3
Row5: k1,k2tog,k2,yfwd,*k1,yfwd,k2,sl 1, k2tog,psso,k2,yfwd,*to last 7 sts, k1,yfwd,k2,sl 1,k1,psso,k2
Row7:k2,yfwd,sl 1,k1,psso,k1*k2,k2tog,yfwd,k1,yfwd,sl 1,k1,psso,k1*to last 7sts ,k2,k2tog,yfwd,k3
Row9:k2,yfwd,k1,sl 1,k1,psso*k1,k2tog,k1,yfwd,k1,yfwd,k1,sl 1,k1,psso*,to last 6 sts k1,k2tog,k1,yfwd,k3
Row11:k2,yfwd,k2,*sl 1,k2tog,psso,k2,yfwd,k1,yfwd,k2* to last 8 sts, sl 1,k2tog,psso,k2,yfwd,k3
Row12: Purl
These 12 rows form patt, rep 1more times. dec 1 st on the last row (75 sts)
Shape Crown:
1st row: k3 *, k2 tog, k6 rep from * to end
2nd and alt rows Purl
3rd row: k3 *, k2 tog, k5 rep from * to end
5th row: k3 *, k2 tog, k4 rep from * to end
7th row: k3 *, k2 tog, k3 rep from * to end
9th row: k3
*, k2 tog, k2 rep from * to end
11th row: k3 *, k2 tog, k1 rep from * to end
12th row: * p2 tog rep from * to last st k1
Break yarn, thread through remaining sts, draw up and fasten off securely.

(Personal use only please)* Please do not sell item made from this blog. If you choose to use any of my pattern for your self or your family or give to charity very welcome.*

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Isabella cable hat.

Isabella cable hat. { Size 2 years to 5 year olds)

You will need

1: Needle size 4.5 mm uk 7

2: Carnival soft 8 ply

3: Cable pin

Cast on 100 sts and work in rib 1x1 for 8 rows.

Work in pattern as below.

1: {WS} *k2,p6,k2* to end

2:*p2,k6,p2* to end

3:*k2,p6,k2* to end

4:*p2,k6,p2* to end

5: * k2,p6,k2* to end

6: * p2,sl next 3 sts onto pin and cable front,k3,then k3 from pin,p2* to end

Rep Row 1-6 for 4 time mores and p1 row, total in 5rows of pattern.

Shape top.

1: *k5,k2tog*to last 2 sts , k2 {86sts}


3* k4,k2tog* to last 2 sts,k2.{72sts}


5:*k3,k2tog* to last 2sts ,k2{58sts}

6: Purl

7:*k2,k2tog* to last 3 sts,k3 {44sts}

8: Purl

9:*k2,k2tog* to last 2sts,k2{34sts}


11:*k1,k2tog*to end{23sts}

12: Purl

13:*k2tog*to last 1st,k1,{12sts}

Break yarn and thread through remainning sts and fasted off firmly. And join seam.

(Personal use only please)* Please do not sell item made from this blog. If you choose to use any of my pattern for your self or your family or give to charity very welcome.*

Baby doll hat.

Baby doll hat. Size 17”-18” Or Prem baby.

You will need.

Needle size 3.00 or Uk 11

4 ply baby yarn


k=Knit; p=purl; st(s)=stitch(es); patt=pattern; rep=repeat; dec=decrease; tog=together; alt=alternate; st st=stocking stitch; yfwd=yarn forward; garter st=every row knit; sl= slip; psso= pass slipped st over.

Usimg 3.00 and Cast on 89 sts and knit 2 rows.

Commence pattern.

Row `1: K1 * yfwd ,sl 1,k2 ,pass slipped st over these 2 sts * to last 1 st, k1

Row 2: Purl

Rep in patt for 25 Rows

Decrease row.

Row 1: *k6, k2tog* to last 1st , k1

Row 2 : Purl

Row 3 : * k5, k2tog* to last 1 st ,k1

Row 4: Purl

Row 5 : * k4 ,k2tog* to last 1 st , k1

Row 6: Purl

Row 8: * k3, k2 tog* to last 1 st , k1

Row 9: Purl

Row 10: *k2, k2tog* to last 1 st , k1

Row 11: Purl

Row 12: *k1, k2tog* to last 1 st , k1

Row 13: Purl

Row 14: * k2tog*to last 1 st , k1

Cut yarn, thread through remaining sts, draw up fasten off securely.


Using 3.00 and cast on 39 sts , knit 2 rows.

Commence pattern.

Commence pattern.

Row `1: K1 * yfwd ,sl 1,k2 ,pass slipped st over these 2 sts * to last 1 st, k2

Row 2: Purl

Rep in patt for 14 rows

knit in st-st for 2 rows

Next row : k1 ,* yfwd , k2 * to end

Purl 1 row

St-St for 2 rows

Shape instep

Row 1: k 24 sts, turn

Row 2: P 9 Turn

St-St on these 9 sts for 10 rows

break yarn, rejoin yarn k15 from needle and pick up and k7 sts from side of instep, k9 sts from needle pick up and k7 sts from other side of instep and knit rem 15 sts, (52 sts).

Beg with a purl row work 7 rows in st st

Shape foot

1st row: k1 skpo, k20, k2 tog, k3,k2 tog,k20,k2 tog,k1 .(49 sts)

2nd row and alt rows: purl

3rd row: k1 , skpo, k18, k2 tog, k3,k2 tog,k18, k2 tog, k1 .(45 sts)

5th row: k1 ,skpo, k 16, k2 tog, k3,k2 tog, k16,k2 tog,k1. (41sts)

Purl 1 row.

Cast off

(Personal use only please)* Please do not sell item made from this blog. If you choose to use any of my pattern for your self or your family or give to charity very welcome.*