Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Dimond Beanie

Dimond Beanie 0-3 months

Using 4.00mm and cast on 70 sts work in RIB 2x2 for 6 rows. Inc 1 st at last row 71sts
Work in main pattern as below
1: (WS )k1*sl3,wyib,k3* to last 4sts, sl3, wyib,k1
2: (RS) p1*sl3, wyife,p3* to last 4sts sl3, wyif, p1
3; Purl
4: Knit
6: k2*k1 uls,k5* to last 3sts , k1 uls ,k2
7: k4* sl3 wyib,k3* to last 1st, k1
8: p4*sl3 wyif,p3* to last 1st ,p1
9: Purl
10: Knit
11: Purl
12: k5* k1 uls ,k5* to end
Rep 1-12 for 2mores time
Purl 1 row
Shape top
1: *k6,k2tog* to end (62sts)
2: Purl
3: *k5,k2tog* to last 6 sts , k6 (54sts)
4: Purl
5: *k4,k2tog* to end (45sts)
6: Purl
7:*k3,k2tog* to end (36sts)
8: Purl
9:*k2,k2tog* to end (27sts)
10: Purl
11:*k1,k2tog* to end (18sts)
12: Purl
13: *k2tog* to end )9sts)
Break yarn thread the yarn through the remaining sts then see u the seam to the cast on edge.

Knitting Abbreviations
K: Knit
P: Purl
Sl : Slip stitch
wyif: Work with yarn in front
wyib: Work with yarn in back
K1 uls: Knit 1 st under loose strands ( insert needle under the loose strands and knit the next stitch)

****Please do not copy or sell my pattern but you are welcome to sell product or for charity please give credit for my page for design pattern ****

Monday, January 23, 2017

Axl Overall Suit

Axl Overall Suit size 0-3 months

** Using 5.00 mm and cast on 12sts work 6 rows in st-st
Inc 1st at each end of next and follow 2alt rows. (18sts)
P1 Row.
Cast on 6 sts at beginning of next 4 rows.
Cast on 9 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. (60sts) **
Continue in st-st for 43 rows
Decrease row
P3*P2tog,P1* to last 3 sts ,k3(42sts)
1: k5,k2tog, knit to last 7sts,k2tog,k5
2:k5,purl to last 5sts,k5
Rep 1-2 for 4 more times (32sts)
Continue without shaping for 6 rows
2:k5,purl to last 5 sts,k5
Knit in garter sts for 10 rows (knit every row)          
Cast off

Work as front to **
Continue in st-st for 10 rows

Divide for back
K33 sts ,turn, purl to end. Continue in st-st for 31 rows with 6 garter sts for border.
Working buttonholes of row 1,9,17 and 25 in last 4 sts as follows yfwd,k2tog,k2

K6,p2tog 11 times,p5
1: k5,k2tog,k to end
2:k6, purl to last 5 sts ,k5
Rep 1-2 for 4 more times
Work buttonholes as row 4

Continue without shaping for 6 rows (17sts)
1:k5, k to end
2:k6,purl to last 5sts,k5
Work buttonholes in row 1
 Working in garter sts for 10 rows
Work buttonholes as row 9th
K7 sts cast off 10sts

K7 sts for 50 rows
In row 48 buttonholes,k3,yfwd,k2tog,k2
Knit 2 rows , Cast Off

Rejoin yarn to remain sts, Cast on 6sts , k to end
Next row: Purl to last 6 sts,k6
Continue in st-st with 6 garter sts border for 31 rows
P5,p2tog 11 times,k6
1: k to last 7sts,k2tog,k5
2: k5,purl to last 6sts,k6
Rep 1-2 for 4 more times
Continue without shaping for 6rows
1: knit to end (17sts)
2: k5,p6,k6
Knit in garter sts for 10 rows
Cast off 10sts and knit 7sts
K7sts for 50 rows
In row 48 buttonholes k3,yfwd,k2tog,k2
Knit 2rows , Cast off

Leg edgings
See crotch seam. Using smaller needles pick up and k 56 sts evenly from edge to seam and seam to edge. Work in RIB sts 1X1 for 5 rows. Cast off
Repeat for other side

Making up
See side seams.Sew button band behind buttonhole band.Sew on buttons

****Please do not sell my pattern and copy you are welcome to sell your finished product or use for charity please give credit to my page for owners of pattern***
Enjoy knitting

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Sandy Cable Scarf

Sandy Cable Scarf
What you need:
Chunky yarn ( I used mohair yarn )
Knitting needles size UK3 6.5mm
Cable needle.    
Sandy Cable Scarf
Using UK3 6.5mm cast on 40sts work as below
2:k5,*purl*to last 5 sts,k5
3:k5* slip 3 std onto Cable needle and hold into front , k3, k3 from Cable needle , k6* k5
4: k5*purl * to last 5sts , k5
6:k5 ,*purl* to last 5 sts  , k5
7: k5,*k6, slip 3 sts into Cable needle and hold into back ,k3 , k3 from Cable needle* k5
8: k5 ,*purl* to last 6 sts k5
Repeat row 1-8 for 30 times , Cast off loosely
Sewing each ends together to make a circle Scarf

Have fun

**** Please do not selling my pattern welcome to use my pattern for charity or sell finish product please give credit to me as designer this pattern***