Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Eyelet Cardigan

Eyelet cardigan
(Knit in one piece to armholes)
With 3.00 mm and cast on 122 sts 
RIB 1x1 for 4 rows 
5th: (buttonholes) k1,p1, RIB to end 
RIB 2 rows
8th: Rib 5 and leave these sts on a safety pin for front band,Rib to last 5sts, turn leaving these sts on a safety pin (102sts)
Change to 3.75mm and work as follows 
1: Knit
3:k2, *k2tog ,to,k2* to last 1 st,k1
4: Purl 
5: knit
6: Purl 
7: * k2tog,yo,k2* to last 3 sts , k2tog, yo, k1
8: Purl 
Repeat 1-8 for 7 rows
Right front
1: patt 28 sts , turn and work on these sts only
2: Cast off 2sts , patt to end
3: patt to last 3 sts ,k2tog,k1
4: P2tog patt to end
Rep 3-4 row until 15 sts remain ending at front edge.
Shape neck
Still dec every alt row at raglan edge cast off 3 sts at beg of next row and dev one st every alt row at this edge until 3sts remain.
Dec at raglan only 2sts remain.
P2tog and fasten off.
With right side of work facing joint to remaining 87sts 
1: cast off 2sts patt 57 sts including st on needle turn, and work on these sts only
2: cast off 2sts patt to end.
3: k1,k2tog tbl, patt to last 3 sts ,k2tog ,k1.
4:P2tog , patt to last 2sts,P2tog 
Repeat 3-4 row until 21 sts remain 
Leave sts on holder for neckband.
Left front
With right side of work facing rejoin to remaining 28 sts 
1: cast off 2sts patt to end 
2: patt to last 2sts ,p2
3: k1, k2tog tbl, patt to end 
Repeat 2-3 row until 15 sts remain ending at front edge.
Shape neck
Still dec every alt row at raglan edge cast off 3sts at beg of next row and dec one st every alt row at this edge until 4sts remain.
Dec at raglan only until 2sts remain.
P2tog and fasten off.
With 3.00 mm and cast on 31sts and work in RIB 1x1 for 6 rows 
Change to 3.75mm and work in pattern inc one st each end every 4th row, taking inc sts into pattern until 43 sts 
Work without shaping for 4 rows 
Shape top
Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows.
3: k1,k2tog tbl patt to last 3sts , k2tog ,k1
4: p2 , patt to last 2 sts ,p2.
Repeat last 2rows until 5 sts remain .
cast off
Front band
With 3.00 mm and rejoin yarn to 5 sts on safety pin , work in rib making 3 more buttonholes the first 4.5 cm from buttonhole that already made and2 more the same distance apart.
Work a further and leave sts on holder for neck band. 
Do the same for other side band
Neck band
Join raglan seams.
With right side of work facing rib across sts on right front band, pick up and k 12 sts up right front neck,k across sts on sleeve tops and back neck holder,pick up and k 12 sts down left front neck and rib across sts on left front band 65sts
Work 4 rows in rib making buttonhole on the 2nd row.
Cast off in rib.

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